Benefits of
Brain Jogging®
Our Patented Cognitive Enhancement Program
Benefits of Brain Jogging

Closing of Ongoing Academic Achievement Gaps
- Our breakthrough cutting-edge, web-based cognitive development program significantly elevates students’ cognitive performance and life-long potential. The Brain Jogging program has more than 20 years of consistent, proven success at improving learning potential among school-age children, including students with disabilities.
- Based on results of group clients since 2002 Elementary students achieve an average reading gain of more than one grade level in just two nine-weeks, or less, utilizing the Brain Jogging program twice daily. Middle and high school students typically have greater reading gains averaging up to two grade level gains in just two nine-weeks or less.
- The Brain Jogging program activities are designed to send impulses that enhance cognitive processes and stimulate synapse formation, readying the pupil to learn at higher levels. Students have a newfound ability to focus and an interest in paying attention.
- Students who may have once lagged behind their peers’ ability to learn to read, comprehend, spell, calculate, and process language efficiently begin to soar to greater heights.
- Parents report heightened self-esteem in their children.
- It is our experience that students who have not been able to learn to read CAN when utilizing the Brain Jogging program!
- Learning to read requires specific developmental cognitive tasks such as visual memory for letters, visual and auditory sequencing of letters, discrimination of sounds, and matching symbol association. The Brain Jogging program enhances cognitive development for creating a “reading brain.”
- The Brain Jogging program exercises performed while wearing the prescribed focused auditory input device promote processing skills necessary for sight word recognition and reading comprehension.
- The Brain Jogging program helps students to make the finer distinctions in reading letters. Specifically, the program assists students with difficulty discriminating between letters like b/d, g/q, p/q, b/p, i/j, and x/z. If the student cannot distinguish one letter from another consistently, then it is impossible to determine the correct sound each consonant represents consistently.
- The Brain Jogging program activities incorporate the following KEY elements for reading skills…
- Word-picture association
- Phoneme to grapheme introduction
- Sound symbol association
- Consonant blending
- Diphthongs-2 vowels, one sound
- Diagraphs-2 consonants, one sound
- Typically, students who struggle to read begin to lack confidence in their own ability to read aloud. As the Brain Jogging program increases students’ reading ability, the confidence and self-esteem of students also improves. This has been reported repeatedly by parents, teachers, and even the students themselves.
- Spelling test grades improve drastically.
- For Students who experience “learn-forget” syndrome for sight words, completing word lists becomes attainable.
- Over time, students who have previously spent great effort on the decoding of word pronunciation in sentences with no understanding of what the sentence is stating begin to read with thought and understanding. They find sentences begin to make sense.
- The Brain Jogging program incorporates customized data banks based upon the understanding that learning challenges of a specific nature reside in specific areas of the brain. Specifically, it is well-documented and published that these areas are likely experiencing a lack of neurogenesis.
- It is well known that students learn to read in grades K-3, and they read to learn from the 4th grade and beyond. Students utilizing the Brain Jogging program are able to read to learn and, as a result, succeed in content areas like social studies, math, word problems, and science.
- The Brain Jogging program specifically supports individual academic skills while reinforcing classroom-related knowledge.
- Learners
- Increase ability to self-monitor and self-correct
- Build comprehension skills
- Become self-motivated learners
- Students in junior high and high school show significant increases on Benchmark and end-of-course test grades.

- Increased self-confidence has also been reported by students themselves and adults utilizing the Brain Jogging program. They have reported that things they would never try before becoming possible.
- Parents and teachers consistently report increase motivation and a tendency to be more goal oriented after utilizing the Brain Jogging program.
Focus and Attention
- The Brain Jogging program addresses distractions by training the brain to “block out” rather than allow background noise to become a distraction. The brain becomes more efficient and proficient in processing information and building memory skills.
- The Brain Jogging program increases the cognitive capacity and flexibility for processing new information.
- Individuals report an increased desire to study for longer periods of time
- Exercises are delivered in a multi-sensory approach for enhanced student engagement.

- The Brain Jogging program uses proven, proprietary techniques found to increase short- and long-term memory.
- The Brain Jogging program delivers intellectually stimulating information, which is one of the known factors for promoting structural changes in the brain known as neuroplasticity.